Friday, February 27, 2015

Oh, The Places I’ll Go

Dr.Seuss has a birthday coming up, this is in his honor. Titles to almost all of his books are included in this poem. Happy Birthday Dr. Seuss, you have given the world a tremendous gift.

Dear Dr. Seuss, You are such a goose, and I love how you make things rhyme.

I pull out a book, and take a quick look, and hope I have enough time.

Time for:

Colorful fish, and green eggs and ham, which all can be seen at the zoo.

A quick trip to the circus will only endear us to Horton, the Grinch and Bartholomew.

McElligot has a fox, and a King with old socks, that the Sneetches and Yertles deplore.

There’s Thidwick and Daisy, who’ve gone quite crazy for Oobleck, and Wockets, and more.

Marvin K. Mooney and the Lorax too have scrambled eggs for supper.
They ponder and think, and make duck feet wishes for Hooper Humperdinck.

People in houses and Lady Godivas  ride Zebras to hop on pop.
 They each have ten apples to place on their heads, a fine thing to put on one’s top.

On wacky Wednesday, the eye and the tooth are found in a booth, with the mice and a bullfrog or two. They sit with the Zax and Too Many Daves and celebrate Diffendoofer – who?

The butter battle raged on for days till the vet had had enough. He sat in his jet and refused to let the little bug go ka-choo!

Then Gerald, on his great big stilts found the lost Mr. Brown. He tried  to remember that it was Octember, and time to come to my house down town.

Oh, Dr. Seuss, my mind is loose, with everything spinning around.
The Cat in the Hat, might just return with more books!
For there are never enough to be found.

1 comment:

Jane said...

How fun! Reading, and writing as well, I hope!