Monday, February 9, 2015

Keeping in Touch

Desk top, lap top, Netbook, Notebook,cell phone, technology for every occasion. I stay connected to family and friends with email, IM's, and chat. Facebook, My Space, LinkedIn, and blogs allow me to connect to the world.

Public presence on Facebook, etc. is supposed to urge others into reading my book of poems. It hopefully entices people with my wit, and wonderful writing to visit my blog, or Amazon page to buy Skewed, My Take on the World.

All the above is fine, however, do I really need to be in touch with so many? I enjoy a brief chat with old high school friends, now adult friends of my now adult children (that is a topic for another blog), and Lions Club members. I like that I don't necessarily have to one on one talk to folks, just a quick post, and I've shared my thoughts for the day.

I am on Pintrest, a wonderful sight - I think. I love seeing all the different styles of bookcases, clothes, felting projects, and writing information. I like to "pin" something I am interested in, so I can remember it at a later date. However, I get emails when others re-pin my pin. I don't care! Seriously, I pinned a particular interest for me. I'm sure there is a way to not have emails sent when my pin is re-pinned, but I'm not sure I want to take the time to find it. Then other side of that coin - there is that little bit of ego that enjoys the knowledge that someone else liked what I pinned. Silly I know.

All this instant contact is a little overwhelming. I don't know if I like it. I do turn off my computer and cell phone at night. I unplug as it were and I can, not answer my phone. I have voice mail, I'll catch it when it is convenient for me. I do enjoy talking to people face to face, despite my earlier rantings, and our cell phones all get set aside during meals.

Technology is certainly here to stay. Never in my wildest dreams would I have thought I'd be texting, pinning, Facebooking or IMing. I have vision, evidently not technology vision. I will stick to creating written pieces of art, and utilizing technology to keep in touch with folks, and to publicize my creations.

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