Thursday, February 28, 2013

I don't know what I was thinking! A blog. Who has time for a blog? Certainly not me, I don't even have time for the laundry, and that is important stuff. I think everyone who starts a blog has the best intentions of keeping it up to date. Keeping things new and interesting. Well, live isn't always new and interesting.

I can only imagine a reality show of my life. Hmmm, up in the morning, check email, sit thinking about what to write, maybe write, fix tea, lunch, plan dinner. Laundry - if I remember, oh yeah! Blog. Dinner and bed.
Not all fun and games, I do not believe the "reality" shows are real, in fact I know they are not. Who lives like that? Who has time for all the junk that goes on in their lives, and have time for a life?

So, I will never be on a reality show, and I might be able to keep up with a blog. First things first however, time for some laundry.

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Lost Money

I am poor. Due to my laziness - not opening my email, I have passed by many the opportunity to become a millionaire, billionaire, or other aire. I have neglected people who have made me their heir, avoided FBI, CIA, executives and others who are trying to reach me. Very cold hearted I know, but tough noogies!

In the deepest recesses of my too black heart, I know I am doing the right thing. I only wish they would just send me the money!

Tuesday, February 5, 2013


Imagine 1,000 years ago. A rain storm has passed, you go outside, and look towards the clouds - will there be more? The sun is just beginning to shed its cloud cover, billowing clouds are parting, and color! You are stunned, there are colors in the sky. Colors you see in flowers, trees, and dyes in your clothing. How are they in the sky? Why are they there? Is this an omen? Something to be feared?

What an awesome sight, your first rainbow. You may never know what it is, may never see another one. Do you dare tell anyone what you have seen? They probably would not believe that colors float in the sky.

In the Pacific Northwest, there is a lot of rain - that should mean a lot of rainbows, but you have to be outside for that fleeting moment when the rare sun break and moist air are in sync.

After waiting out a heavy rain at the store, I headed home, thinking about putting the food away. I rounded a corner and a beautiful, bright, rainbow met me. The colors were some of the deepest, brightest, most vibrant I have ever seen. The rainbow seemed to be ending in my neighborhood, and as I turned onto our street, the rainbow end hovered just over our house.

Now, I know that it is all just a matter of where you are, the closer you get to a rainbow, the farther away it goes, so that elusive pot of gold is never found. However, the pot of gold at the end of that rainbow was truly my treasure - my home and my family.