Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Lost Belief

We take pictures with Santa until we're seven or eight, then our 'I must grow up" switch activates and we no longer believe in Santa, the Easter Bunny, the Tooth Fairy, or wishes. We stop picking up found pennies, no longer pluck a dandelion and blow our hopes to the wind. Wishing wells are looked upon with interest in construction rather than the magical abilities they possess in helping us reach those oh so lofty dreams.

We still go to church, and pray, that belief stays strong, never waivers, however our belief in the impossible is laid to bed by adult practicality. No time for dreams, can't stray from our path to pick up that shiny penny across the parking lot. We turn into Santa, and the Tooth Fairy, tucking goodies wished for into stockings and under pillows.

We left behind our imaginations, our hope, that maybe, just maybe, there might be a surprise or two waiting for us in life. Clouds no longer show us elephants, and castles, they only bring rain, and cloudy skies. Parties of celebration only mean time spent cleaning up the mess that friends and family leave behind.  

So sad. I dare you to find that little child hidden deep inside. Bring it out, find the elephant, be the princess in the castle. Wear the party hat on your forehead, become a celebrated unicorn. Pick up that penny, save them and take a dream vacation. Your lost beliefs may be at the back of your sock drawer, pull them out, dust them with wishes to bring them all back to you, before you are too old. And never, ever become too old.

1 comment:

Jane said...

A good message for today. So easy to get focused on the practical and miss the fun. It's even easy to focus on fun and miss the real.