Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Note to Older Self

 When I was about thirty years old, I went on a bus trip from Sacramento, CA to San Francisco. I was the youngest on the bus, my seatmates were at least sixty five years old, and up. I had a wonderful time, and enjoyed chatting with the group.

As a writer, I not only chatted with these older folks, but observed. Learned a lot about my elders, what I’d like to be like when I reached their age – spunky, outgoing, interested in others. I also found traits I did not want to emulate – grouchy, rude, self-centeredness. Having my handy notebook tucked into my purse (as always), I began a list – Things I Will Never Do When I Get Old.
I began with a reprimand to my older self. You will not
          Wear matching polyester slacks and blouses
          Wear half hose that bunch around my ankles
          Color my hair blue
          Be rude to those just trying to help

As I have gotten closer to being old (not there just yet) I have added to my list of Things I Will Never Do When I Get Old.
Again with a reminder to my soon to be older self. Really, really don’t
Not wear my hearing aid
          Take others for granted
          Impose on others – they have lives that don’t include me
          Not keep up on current events, become stagnant

Also promising myself to not talk about the weather as if it is the most important thing in the world, not obsess over things such as medication, doctor appointments, and my aches and pains.
So what exactly will I do when I am old?     
                                   When I Am Old  by Liz Elfring
          When I am old, I will sit on a swing and kick my feet high in the air.                            
          I will ride the purple plumed ostrich on a carousel,                                                                     eat lime Popsicles, growing a sticky green beard.                                                                              I will ooze mud between my toes after a warm summer rain,                                                                  and stroll on the beach, collecting seashells as gifts for friends. 
         I will play in the snow, giving angels their wings,
         and drink margarita’s while sunning myself on the porch.
          I will jump on the trampoline with the grandchildren,                                                                              go fishing, skip rocks, have picnics – outdoors and in.          
         I will continue to learn, and listen. New ideas, new music, new anything.  

        These are the things I will do when I am old.                                                                     

So, now all I have to do is get old.

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