Monday, March 3, 2014

Ladybugs, Again

The ladybug numbers have grown! I've counted as many as 18 beauties, all crawling around the bathroom. They huddle in a corner when the days and nights are a little cooler, but when the side of the house warms up, they swarm!

I love watching them, and have been finding them in the bedroom and kitchen. My question is what do they eat? There is plenty of water around the inside of the house, but what are they doing for food? Do they have an exterior exit so they can eat?

I'd love to have more of them, so if I place a mail order, will the new ladybugs fight with the ones that are already here? Are they territorial? Will they all come to live in the house?

Many years ago, we were moving into a house in Northern California, standing in the front yard, checking out our new surroundings. All of a sudden a huge cloud of lady bugs swept past us from the back yard area, around the side of the house, enveloping the family, then flying off to who knows where. We never did see a swarm like that again, but I am happy with our little family of ladies, living in our bathroom.

These little ladies (gents too) are so fun to watch. They crawl all over the walls, up and down the shower curtain, and when the sun hits the window, they race! I love watching them.

It is interesting to note how they die. The first time I tried to help one, my efforts were rebuffed. She was on her back, so I turned her over thinking I was helping. She immediately flipped herself onto her back, so I let her be. The next time I looked in on her, she was gone. Some bugs, push their wings out from underneath their shells, sometimes one wing, sometimes both. No discernible  reason.

We now have to turn the light on in the bathroom when we have a midnight call. No stepping on these creatures at night, or sitting on one if it happens to be on the seat! There numbers are shrinking, I'm sure by the end of March they will be gone. Only to turn up again next spring.

Or, Nov. or Dec. depending on the weather.

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