Monday, March 10, 2014

Coded Love Letter

A dear friend sent me a copy of a "Curious Love Letter" - it was filled with things far beyond love. (If you're curious about it, Google Copy of A Curious Love Letter)

After reading the explanation - The girl's father would read dislike - good, and the girl would read love - good.

The code, which only the girl, and writer knew, was every other line was to be read by the girl. This made all the sense in the world.

I figured I try it! This was one hard writing exercise. Here is my attempt at a curious love letter - I have followed the same rule, read the first, third, fifth, etc. lines for the true meaning of the note. My attempt is fair, and I am going to keep at it, hoping to get a really good coded love letter.


Your intentions toward me are exceedingly
loathsome. They are not in the least
acceptable . I cannot wait until the day you
no longer turn your head in my direction.
Take my word for it - I will never love you
as you wish.  I could not love you
any less. My heart only  grows with love
for another. Release me from your mind,
your future plans should include someone
else, someone who could truly love you.
A priest for confession, quickly, as I cannot wait
for your dishonorable actions to wane.
To marry the one I love. This is uppermost in my heart.
Please, I beg of you, leave me alone. I dislike
your heart, your eyes, your hair. They are a dream,
a nightmare in the making. Remove them from
my eyes, eyes that long for a glance of my one true love.
I am on my knees, pleading with you to desist.
My love grows daily, hourly, by leaps and bounds.
Nothing will stop my feelings of hatred of you.
My feelings of adoration for my lover will never abate.

Signed: The Lady

1 comment:

Jane said...

Now that is very cool! A real challenge for would-be writers!