Thursday, February 28, 2013

I don't know what I was thinking! A blog. Who has time for a blog? Certainly not me, I don't even have time for the laundry, and that is important stuff. I think everyone who starts a blog has the best intentions of keeping it up to date. Keeping things new and interesting. Well, live isn't always new and interesting.

I can only imagine a reality show of my life. Hmmm, up in the morning, check email, sit thinking about what to write, maybe write, fix tea, lunch, plan dinner. Laundry - if I remember, oh yeah! Blog. Dinner and bed.
Not all fun and games, I do not believe the "reality" shows are real, in fact I know they are not. Who lives like that? Who has time for all the junk that goes on in their lives, and have time for a life?

So, I will never be on a reality show, and I might be able to keep up with a blog. First things first however, time for some laundry.