Monday, March 20, 2017

Dinner for Two

She is older, a mother
of grown children.
He, a young scamp.
The odd pair - thrown together
they have become companions;
eating, frolicking, sleeping,
their timeless days spent
in the company of each other.
Circling, circling, they turn
clockwise, counter-clockwise,
their blessing patiently given.
Patient as their mistress
fills the crystal bowl, they hold
tails high, a flicked tip as a
thank you.
Ever the gentleman, he
waits as she is sated then waves
her tail in consideration and
wanders off so he may partake.
A once around the room to
confirm the place of new and
old, smells to entertain, frustrate,
then off to bed to consume
hours in blissful slumber,
 nose to nose, paw to

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