Friday, May 23, 2014

A Man Invented It

Anything a woman uses, a man invented. Face it, zippers in the back of a dress? Yes, it can lead to passion, "Can you zip me up?" or the "I can't quite reach my zipper, can you undo it for me?". But come on, guys, you're not always around. Yes, there are women designers, some have even put the zippers on the side of the dress, but true to form, most zippers are on the back of the dress. Some traditions are just hard to break.

Women's restroom stalls. I get that businesses don't want to waste valuable merchandising space, or seating space on extra room in restrooms, but women sure could use it. With toilet paper dispensers sticking out into the stall, right above the toilet, there is little to no room to maneuver hands, elbows, and panty hose. A woman can't bend over to pull her hose up from the ankle to get rid of the wrinkles, no room to move. If a woman carries a purse, and there is no hook for it, then the purse is hung over the neck, making wiping difficult. Long skirt? Where does it go? No room to toss it over your shoulder without getting it all over the stall walls.Yuck! Just a few more inches all the way around, and women would be so much happier.

Vehicles. Even though I am a woman, I love to tinker on cars. If a bulb goes out, I'm on it. A new starter, I can do it. Change a tire, the radiator, you bet. However, I need way too many tools to accomplish what should be an easy job. Today, I needed to replace a tail light bulb. One would think that it would be a simple job. I opened the tailgate of my truck, looked at the screw heads, and went to get a torque head screwdriver. Easy. Tail light assembly removed, only to be met with a cover with four screws that needed to be removed before I could replace the bulb. Well, those just so happened to be phillips head screws. So, back to the tool box (this one is too big to go to the truck). Mission complete, and tools put away. It would have been so much faster if I had only needed one type of screwdriver.

Engine work is another story, some tools need to be metric, some not, some need to be only an eighth of an inch different, on the same part! What is the deal with that? I understand that one size won't do all, but whoever came up with the list of screws and bolts to be used had a screw loose of his own.

Do men need to use so many tools before they feel macho? Do they think if they use screws, and bolts with too many size differences women won't be able to figure it all out?

Dresses, hidden front zippers, or just stretchy fabric, problem solved. If women designed restrooms, there would be plenty of room to comfortably get the job done. If women planned cars, only a handful of tools would be needed. Men, figure it out.

Just let a woman take care of it.

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