Monday, February 6, 2017


No thing. Nothing.

Reality TV shows have things going on, always.
But in reality, nothing much goes on.
No drama, no passions every 5 mins.
No thing, to keep me entertained –
          Every second of every day.
Nothing exciting happens, just life.
Normal, run-of-the-mill life.
No thing to keep me up at night,
Crying my eyes out over what I think
Someone did or said.
No thing to threaten someone over,
To create a false argument.
Nothing worth filming day after day.
Hours, minutes, seconds. No thing
To keep the editors snipping and bleeping.
Nothing at all, a happily normal life.
While nothing worth a reality show goes
On in my life, no thing will stand between my
Happiness, my loves, my life and me.
So nothing can stop me, nothing will hinder me.

No thing will hamper my success at life.

1 comment:

Jane said...

Good thoughts. Perhaps people watch reality shows and soaps because they want some drama. But drama, as you point out, isn't necessary for happiness and productivity.