Today I have 12 ladybugs crawling around our window. Inside. These are the same ladies that have been around all winter, only more! All winter we've had at least one, sometimes three little red and black gems visiting daily, causing me to say we were going to have a mild winter. Which we have so far. We had a couple of snow days, and icy road days, but nothing like all the old timers, and weathermen were predicting.
So now, I'm thinking since there are so many gals hanging out, that we'll have one wonderful spring. Lots of color, lots of blossoms. That also means lots of pollen, but what the heck, what's a little sneezing compared to all the color?
Thursday, February 20, 2014
Friday, February 7, 2014
Compass Wind
Compass Wind - the wind that comes at you from all directions. This phenomenon blew snow in my face, down my back, up each sleeve, and around me, covering my well insulated body with a coating of light flaky snow.
Snow drifts feet high, angle and curve, creating an op-art design in the driveway. Trees, some heavily covered in snow, while others barely dusted stand next to each other, creating snowy havens for birds searching for seeds. They try flying, but are blown to locations not on their agenda. Our pea fowl are smart, they are up in a neighbors barn, staying out of the wind and tornadoing snow.
The cats plod through the belly deep snow, then jump into a tire track. One stops, peering out into the trees. I can see the thoughts - Do I go out there and maybe catch a bird, or a mouse? Or do I go to house, meow pathetically to be let in, and go nap on a warm blanket? Warm blanket wins out.
I love it! Even though the temperature with wind chill is -7 degrees, I'm in heaven. I don't stay outside very long. Time just enough to feed all the birds, and clear walking paths and steps. Then I race to the door, stomping off snow as I go, trying to leave as much snow outdoors as I can. I don't want to clean up snow puddles.
Hot chocolate and warm cheesy biscuits wait for me, ready to be devoured. I love the snow, and all the good things it brings.
Snow drifts feet high, angle and curve, creating an op-art design in the driveway. Trees, some heavily covered in snow, while others barely dusted stand next to each other, creating snowy havens for birds searching for seeds. They try flying, but are blown to locations not on their agenda. Our pea fowl are smart, they are up in a neighbors barn, staying out of the wind and tornadoing snow.
The cats plod through the belly deep snow, then jump into a tire track. One stops, peering out into the trees. I can see the thoughts - Do I go out there and maybe catch a bird, or a mouse? Or do I go to house, meow pathetically to be let in, and go nap on a warm blanket? Warm blanket wins out.
I love it! Even though the temperature with wind chill is -7 degrees, I'm in heaven. I don't stay outside very long. Time just enough to feed all the birds, and clear walking paths and steps. Then I race to the door, stomping off snow as I go, trying to leave as much snow outdoors as I can. I don't want to clean up snow puddles.
Hot chocolate and warm cheesy biscuits wait for me, ready to be devoured. I love the snow, and all the good things it brings.
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